Habbakuk 2:2
Then the LORD answered me and said: “Write the vision And make it plain on tablets, That he may run who reads it.”


When God gives you a vision or what I’d call a dream during the day, write it down. God dropped the words “Word Weaver” into my spirit on January 24th 2018 and I wrote it down in my notes section on my laptop. I didn’t know what to make of it but it’s one of those things I can confirm was from God, 100%. Later in the year, He instructed me to offer my editing services to a particular couple for free.


Now, I’m not even a professional editor, in the sense that I never studied it as a course but from a young age, my parents instilled in me the love for books and good stories and it stuck.


Later in my architecture school, an architectural magazine was started and I became a sub-editor for the magazine. What a sub-editor does in a magazine is read the stories and correct any grammatical issues, as well as refine the general structure of the story/article to see how best it could be retold, if necessary.


So in 2018, I offered editing services and the lady in the couple brought her book. That was officially the first book I edited after offering to edit. Previously, I had read people’s work casually. They had requested. This time I offered my services with God’s direction.


It wasn’t an easy journey because I was hustling out a living in other areas so my focus was split. I pushed through though and delivered the best I could at that particular time.  I delivered on my word to edit for her.


Fast forward to 2019, this lady led me to four other clients and just like that, a writing business was launched! I edited four books for pay in 2019.


This January, the thought of turning this into a proper business had been dancing around in my head and I opened my notes to open a new folder called “Writing Business”.


While scrolling up and down, I saw the words “WORD WEAVER” and just then and there, the dots connected. THAT’S THE NAME OF MY WRITING BUSINESS! IT’S ALL GOD! He knew all this all the way back in 2018.

I praise HIM!

Needless to say, the message is clear. When God gives you a message/word/vision, write it down so that at the appointed time, you will run with that idea and execute it. All to His glory, for it’s by Him that we live and have our being.

God will instruct you step by step.

Follow HIM.


With love, 

Keziah Elaine Ayikoru



Featured image is by Rise Up Victorious, a website/blog with an eponymous blog url.

Author: Keziah Elaine Ayikoru

www.keziahelaineayikoru.com focuses on creativity in various fields especially Architecture, Fashion, Creative Non-Fiction and Poetry. Keziah aims to encourage the creative in you to live life fully, happily and wholesomely.

10 thoughts on “WRITE IT DOWN”

  1. So you Kez! What a beginning, that I will follow closely…eagerly with joy.
    I have known your submission to be true in my life a number of times – thank you for confirming the Word.


    1. Thank you so much for reading and responding. I truly appreciate this and may God enrich your life’s journey deeply.


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