Success Starts With Faith

At the heart of any new venture is the belief that it can and will succeed. Failure to envision success cripples progress and reduces possibilities.

The dictionary definition of faith is the complete trust or confidence in something or someone. Complete-without doubt. Now, this is not a sermon but I rather love this bible definition of faith: Faith is the substance of things hope for, the evidence of things not seen!

How can you have evidence of things not seen, you may ask? – By faith. When we set out to accomplish different things in life especially goals bigger than us, we need faith. We need to believe that our plans will come to pass.

Faith propels us forward, doubt pulls us back. 

Do not let fear or doubt cripple you and prevent you from moving forward in the right direction. A pastor I know described fear as negative faith. When you fear, you are actually believing something-in the negative direction.

Granted, we must always be cautious and not simply jump into situations and projects. However, there is a clear and distinct difference between faith and over-confidence. Over-confidence is self-centered and often overlooks the contribution of others, therefore more likely to make a mistake along the way due to a sense of pride.

Faith in itself is a positive force to reckon with. Faith can move mountains, it is said.

Whatever your belief system is, take note that we were created as creatures of purpose and creatures capable of doing exceedingly great things beyond our imagination. Humans are unique to any other kind of creation and we are innately blessed with so much.

We can only tap into our true potential however, when we have faith. I personally believe in my God first-that He is great and All-powerful, All-able, All-knowing and that I am created in His image. I am therefore able to do things through Him who strengthens me.

This does not mean I have never questioned or doubted. Similarly, it does not mean that all who have achieved success have never questioned or doubted. It simply means that if you find yourself pulled back by the weight of doubt, consciously remind yourself to have faith and propel yourself and your dreams to greater heights.

Success starts with faith.

-Keziah Elaine Ayikoru-

Author: Keziah Elaine Ayikoru focuses on creativity in various fields especially Architecture, Fashion, Creative Non-Fiction and Poetry. Keziah aims to encourage the creative in you to live life fully, happily and wholesomely.

2 thoughts on “Success Starts With Faith”

  1. This is one wonderful article! Well articulated. I even love your writing. Simple and precise sentences. Your first paragraph just sums up the entire article… that is amaziiing! And how the finish line links with FOURTH paragraph (or line) is also incredibly beautiful.

    One thing however… it is saddening thou, these days quotations aren’t valued for there message but by who said so; having said that, this “If you find yourself pulled back by the weight of doubt, consciously remind yourself to have faith and propel yourself and your dreams to greater heights” to me is spectacular and fabulous quote which needs to trending!

    Great piece KEZIA! Keep the wisdom flowing…


  2. This is one wonderful article! Well articulated. I even love your writing. Simple and precise sentences. Your first paragraph just sums up the entire article… that is amaziiing! And how the finish line links with FOURTH paragraph (or line) is also incredibly beautiful.

    One thing however… it is saddening thou, these days quotations aren’t valued for there message but by who said so; having said that, this “If you find yourself pulled back by the weight of doubt, consciously remind yourself to have faith and propel yourself and your dreams to greater heights” to me is spectacular and fabulous quote which needs to trending!

    Great piece KEZIA! Keep the wisdom flowing…


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