Rich People Spend Lots of Money

The title of this blog post sounds obvious, doesn’t it? However, this was a revelation for me this week; not because I didn’t know this before, but because it sank deep in my soul in a way that it hadn’t before.

I am doing a leadership course at the Harvest Institute and part of the tasks in this course is to self-fund a trip by air to Nairobi for the Fearless Summit. This comes with looking for your own accommodation and food, in addition to paying for the summit itself. In between, there are many other small things you may need such as toiletries and whatnot. I tend to think of the details. I wished this was the only extra thing apart from tuition fees for the course but no – it isn’t! In addition to this, there are costs for publishing and printing a book, royal gifting, transportation for the monthly classes, and so on. When you add up all the money needed, it could easily end up around 6 million UGX.

My strategy coming in was to do my best to economize as much as possible and hope for as much miracle money as possible to be able to meet the financial obligations. However, God wanted to teach me something else. His agenda was to teach me abundance. 

That is why when I received the poster below, there was an inclination towards signing up for it. I dismissed this inclination though because I felt I could do this on my own – book the ticket, look for accommodation etcetera. Later in that same week, I interacted with a friend who said she was paying for this package. She spoke about how convenient it is and the fact that one wouldn’t have to hassle. She also reassured me that the people organising are trustworthy and legitimate. She actually told me the name of the founder. My inclination towards this increased. However, I did not commit to it. photo

A few days later, God further prodded and directed me because that week, someone else shared a testimony with me about their experience with Speke & Grant. He had used their services last year for the very same summit and was so impressed. He had absolutely no bad thing to say. I still didn’t commit immediately.

I waited. I told God that the bills were high and I didn’t know whether I shouldn’t just hassle it out and save about 200,000 UGX or slightly more by doing my own bookings and follow-up. Then He highlighted to me that the rich live in convenience and abundance, which my friend had alluded to.

I still tarried. Then, He reminded me that this year I had committed to breaking the back of a poverty mindset for good. He said, “But what kind of money do you think the rich spend? You are scared of spending 6 million but the rich spend lots of money!”

I was stunned! It hit me that if I’m going to become rich, I’m actually going to have to spend WAY MORE than I currently spend, rather than way less, in the name of “economizing”. The point is, spending huge sums of money should not be something that scares me! Why? Because I am rich and the rich spend lots of money!

You can now see why it was a revelation for me. I have since then committed to the no-hassle package, despite not having a cent towards the package yet. I am perfectly peaceful about it too because I know I am rich and that whole package is already provided for.

Furthermore to this, our lead pastor did a teaching on “the blessing” and my attention was drawn to Abraham, in the bible who had a prosperous household of thousands. Clearly, his “bills” weren’t small.

My attention was also drawn to some of the most powerful cars I admire on the roads. I often feared to even look too long at these cars because, in mind, this was ” a thing for those people”. One day while I was riding on a boda boda, a sleek black car that looked like a range rover was turning the corner ahead of me. I was thinking about how expensive that car is, along with all related bills such as fuel and maintenance.  And God whispered in my ear, “That’s normal for a rich person.” I could swear that something within me vibrated. I could see that the poverty mindset was being challenged! 

In conclusion, the rich spend lots of money. Of course, they do not spend it unwisely, or they wouldn’t be rich in the first place; but the truth is, they don’t think cheap and they don’t compromise convenience and efficiency over a few bucks. 

I am rich and I spend lots of money wisely. The same applies to you. 

With love and sincere desire that you be released too,


Author: Keziah Elaine Ayikoru focuses on creativity in various fields especially Architecture, Fashion, Creative Non-Fiction and Poetry. Keziah aims to encourage the creative in you to live life fully, happily and wholesomely.

11 thoughts on “Rich People Spend Lots of Money”

  1. This is very interesting, I don’t know if I am at that mindset yet but the ending is the most important point to me… Spending wisely. I have picked cheap over convenient/better at times and learned that cheap is almost always expensive… So as I have grown older, cheap isn’t always my go to. I look at many other factors. But I think spending more is key to getting more….but not every expenditure will lead to that, and certainly not every expenditure is necessary. Valuable lesson is to think beyond the price… There are other factors too. I don’t think it’s about being rich or not, but rather about placing importance in value rather than a price tag.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I am in full agreement with you – that we should place higher importance in value rather than a price tag. I agree, hence why I said: “spend wisely”. The act of placing higher importance on good value rather than “the cheapest available option” is what I believe is a rich mindset. The person that spends a lot for the sake of spending a lot and appearing rich is till still suffering from a poverty mindset.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I read on and started to disagree that the rich spend alot of money until you validated it by mentioning that they spend wisely.
    Well written and I learnt a new word-tarrid.
    Let’s go look for the money for the package. #Fearless 2020,here we come

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Hihihihi…
    Of course He did (God whispering these things to you).
    He’s funny like that.

    It’s so true. I secretly beat myself up (in my mind) for spending unnecessarily. But I love this post. I’ll revert to it ever so often.

    Qn: Are you signing up for Spoke & Grant? Hihi

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello Someone, I do wish you’d leave your name next time :-). Yes, I’ve committed to the Speke & Grant package. I’m working on the necessary initial deposit.

      I think the key is spending wisely like I concluded. To get rich, you’ll have to spend lots, but one must spend wisely.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Kez!
    Love hearts are bursting out of my gut.
    Yes we are rich. The rich pay for convenience.

    I’m always challenged by my mate on why I like to hustle so I can save a small buck.
    Let go, let God.

    I’ve enjoyed reading. Also it touches on me (direct translation)…

    Liked by 1 person

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